CAMS Billing Migration
This page will be updated as new information becomes available throughout the migration process.
To better serve our customers, Windstream Enterprise is consolidating billing systems. Over the next several months, you will notice a change to your invoice format.
The following changes will occur:
- New Account Number: You will be assigned a new account number, which will display at the top of your Windstream Enterprise invoice. Please update your records with your new account number, as you will need to reference it with any correspondence, communications, or payments.
- New Remittance Address: The payment remittance name and address has changed, and the updated information will be reflected on your new invoice. Payments will need to be remitted to Windstream Enterprise. The new address is P.O. Box 9001013, Louisville, KY 40290-1013. Please update your records and mail your payment to the new address to ensure your payments are posted in a timely manner.
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Payments: Once you have received your updated invoice, you will need to submit your payments to a new bank account. Click here to download the new EFT banking information. For any questions regarding EFT payments, email [email protected] and include your new Windstream Enterprise account number.
- New Product Names: Some product names on your invoice may vary slightly from the previous invoice or from the product name that appears on your contract or order summary.
- Billing Proration. If your invoice date changes, you will see prorated charges on your new invoice.
- Invoice Due Date: You may have a change to your invoice due date effective with your first invoice post migration. If you are on AutoPay, re-enrollment is not required.
Fees, surcharges, taxes and service rates may change based on how they are assessed in the new billing structure:
- Customers will see changes to certain fees, surcharges and taxes on their invoice in accordance with federal, state and local taxation regulations.
- Customers with Private Line/MPLS service or Private Line/MPLS features will begin being assessed fees, surcharges and taxes, according to the jurisdictional traffic certification completed by the customer.
- Customers with private line type services that do not have a completed jurisdictional certificate are identified and notification is sent to the customer requesting that a certificate be completed. This is done on a periodic basis.
- The cert form can be completed online at or emailed to [email protected].
- The certs are then updated on a summary schedule and any billing adjustments are made as needed.
- Customers who currently receive a paper invoice will see a new Paper Invoice Fee.
- CLEC locations in states other than New York, Pennsylvania and Minnesota will be assessed the Administrative Service Fee (ASF) applied to intrastate, interstate and Internet services for monthly recurring charges. Post migration, additional products and services may be assessed ASF.
- CLEC locations in New York, Pennsylvania and Minnesota will continue to be assessed the Regulatory Assessment Surcharge (RAS.) RAS is assessed on monthly recurring Internet, interstate, and international service charges; the current effective RAS rates are 3.82110% for VoIP, and 5.888% for non-VoIP.
Additional important service-related changes:
- Product and service charges that previously included more than one component may now reflect each component listed separately on the invoice with the appropriate cost associated with each service.
- Telephone numbers without usage during the previous bill period will not be shown on the invoice.
- After migration, customers calling into Repair can expect to hear the menu options presented differently than previously listed.
- Post migration, customers will receive free calling between VoIP to VoIP calls only. All other call types will be charged at the per minute rate.
- International calls will bill per Windstream International and Caribbean (Offshore Domestic) rates. Customers can view the new rates in the Windstream and EarthLink Companies International Rates Terms and Conditions document posted under the FCC jurisdiction tab.
Q: Will there be any changes to my bill?
A: Yes. You will now be billed out of a new system post migration. Beginning with your new Windstream Enterprise invoice, you will notice changes on your bill including but not limited to account numbers, payment due date and payment remit to address. Additionally, the format and layout of the invoice will appear differently. Click here for a simple guide to help you interpret your new bill.
Q: Will my AutoPay still be in effect?
A: Yes. You do not need to re-enroll for AutoPay with your new account number. Please review your invoice for any draft day changes. If you need to make changes to your Autopay setup, this can be done through WE Connect, our customer portal.
Q: Will I need to set up a new W9?
A: No. You can continue to use the Windstream W9 you currently have on file.
Q: If I am currently sending Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments monthly will I need to change the bank account I’m remitting to?
A: Yes. Once you have received your updated invoice, you will need to submit your payments to a new bank account. Click here to download the new EFT banking information. For any questions regarding EFT payments, email [email protected] and include your new Windstream Enterprise account number.
Q: Will I continue to have access to my complete invoice history?
A: 12 months of payment and invoice history will be available within the WE Connect portal. There will be a $10 charge to receive an invoice older than 12 months.
Q: Will I still see the previous account number on my new invoice?
A: No. Your previous account number will no longer appear on your invoice. Please use your new account number as a reference when calling about your account.
Q: What is the new Paper Invoice Fee?
A: Customers who currently receive (or wish to receive) a paper invoice will be charged a Paper Invoice Fee. The charge will be determined by the count/number of actual sheets or printed pages included in the invoice that goes beyond what is included in the standard ‘Invoice Summary’ option. The fee associated with your printed invoice will display as Paper Invoice Fee under Monthly Charges on your invoice. Refer to the chart below for details. To avoid the Paper Invoice Fee, you may wish to use the customer portal, WE Connect, to download and print invoices.
Number of Sheets* | New Rate |
Summary Only | $0.00 |
1 to 8 | $8.00 |
9 to 38 | $13.50 |
39 to 98 | $19.50 |
99 to 198 | $28.50 |
199 to 498 | $35.50 |
499 to 998 | $45.00 |
999 to 1998 | $85.00 |
1999 to 5998 | $125.00 |
5999 + | $250.00 |
Q: What types of payments are accepted through online bill pay?
A: Payments can be made online with a debit or credit card, other than American Express, or through your banking account; however, a convenience fee will be assessed on credit and debit card transactions. A fee discount is offered on cash payments (ACH or check). To avoid the convenience fee, login to your online account once you have received your initial invoice and update payment information to your bank account, or contact us at 877.235.8552.
Q: Will my convenience fee for credit card payments remain the same?
A: Yes.
Q: Is there a late payment charge?
A: Yes; however, you will not see a change to the amount charged. Any balance unpaid by the invoice due date is subject to a late payment charge. Please refer to your Windstream Enterprise invoice for the payment due date.
Q: Are there any additional charges that may be assessed to a late payment?
A: In addition to the late payment charge, an additional Collection Fee will be applied to the accounts of business subscribers with any unpaid balance when the previous month’s bill has not been paid in full prior to the next billing date for customers in the following states: AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, TN, TX, VA, WA, WV and WY. Based on the tiered Collection Fee structure, the following would apply:
Late Payment Fee | Collection Fee |
$0.38<=$.75 | $10.00 |
$.751 to $1.00 | $12.50 |
$1.01 to $5.25 | $15.00 |
$5.26 to $7.50 | $20.00 |
$7.51 to $15.00 | $25.00 |
$15.01 to $45.00 | $30.00 |
$45.01 to $75.00 | $40.00 |
$75.00 | $55.00 |
Q: Is there a return check fee?
A: You will still be charged $25.00 for any returned checks.