5 changes you’ll experience when converting from legacy voice to unified communications

May 17, 2024 Austin Herrington 3 min
Still trying to make your outdated voice services meet your modern business needs? Explore the benefits of upgrading from legacy voice to next-gen unified communications.

For those old enough to remember the ‘80s and ‘90s, you’ll recall days well spent listening to Snoop Dogg on your Walkman, saving files on floppy discs and renting the top flicks from Blockbuster on Friday nights. While it’s easy to reminisce about the “good ol’ days,” the high-tech world we live in today is a much different reality—it’s safe to say we have moved on.

The same can be said about underlying access technology like Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), DS1 and DS3 Access solutions and copper-based services, such as primary rate And we can say the same about underlying access technology like Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), DS1 and DS3 Access solutions, and copper-based services like primary rate interfaces (PRIs) and plain old telephone services (POTS). TDM came on the scene in the late ‘80s and really hit its stride in the ‘90s, providing a reliable method of business voice communications. But like the Walkman, floppy discs and Blockbuster, its time has come and gone—today’s businesses need next-gen solutions designed for modern communication.

The need for next-gen voice services

The reality is that technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it’s clear that legacy voice no longer supports the basics of modern business communications or the need to collaborate remotely, both internally and with customers.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that about 1 in 5 workers teleworks, and this number is only trending upward. So this problem will continue to worsen as we grow into a more dispersed workforce with additional demands for agility, remote collaboration and uninterrupted experiences.

Furthermore, the underlying technology will soon be obsolete. Our vendors are dramatically increasing their prices and retiring equipment and whole market networks. The result is higher costs, lower productivity and a poor customer and employee experience. To put it simply, legacy voice services are no longer a viable solution.

The grass really is greener on the other side

By upgrading from legacy voice services to Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), organizations can both satisfy their modern communication needs and future-proof their operations. UCaaS helps companies:

  1. Work from anywhere: Since UCaaS is cloud-based, employees can communicate with colleagues anywhere, on any device, at any time. This is essential for business models that rely heavily on remote work capabilities and management tools.
  2. Avoid cost increases:  Modern voice services don’t require expensive software updates or heavy upfront investments, and they’re much more cost effective than pricey legacy solutions.
  3. Enhance the experience: Effortlessly improve customer experiences (CX) and employee experiences (EX) through seamless modern features like real-time video and audio collaboration from any device.
  4. Stay calm and collaborate on: Unified communications (UC) allow employees to work collaboratively from wherever they sign on, leading to a more productive and flexible workforce.
  5. Keep security top of mind: Windstream’s secure, reliable unified communications solution encrypts calls, chats, messages and meetings to protect your company across all communication channels.

Case in point

When Wright & Filippis recognized that its end-of-life voice system and legacy network was leading to frustrating outages at many of the company’s clinics. Windstream

Wright & Filippis’ end-of-life voice system and legacy network led to frustrating outages at many of the company’s clinics. In stepped Windstream’s robust networking and telephony solution, delivering a seamless experience for patients and employees alike.

Adopting OfficeSuite UC® virtually eliminated the organization’s voice outages and help desk calls regarding Internet performance. Thanks to Windstream’s UCaaS solution, Wright & Filippis now enjoys streamlined, easy-to-manage business communications at a cost-effective price point.

Why OfficeSuite UC

OfficeSuite UC is an award-winning, 100% cloud-based phone, mobility and UC solution that delivers the efficiency and collaboration capabilities modern businesses need. It unifies all employees and sites within a single, centrally managed system, reduces reliance on help desk support and enables employees to meet, chat and collaborate from any location and device. Reliable, feature-rich and SOC 2 and HIPAA-compliant—OfficeSuite UC is the next-gen solution you’ve been looking for. See how OfficeSuite UC can eliminate your legacy voice headaches and bring your communications into the digital age.

Key Takeaway
Don't let outdated voice services inhibit modern collaboration and business communications. Upgrade to a cost-effective, next-gen UCaaS solution and position your business for success.

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